Here you should find some interesting topics about security. I love that point when the software touch the physical world, so, you should expect finding here some interesting hardware projects (or that’s my hope). Right now, the web is under construction so let’s cross our fingers in order to see this site working safe and sound.

Latest Posts

Good development practices in Docker

Docker is a widely used technology, but in most projects, security policies and hardening are not taken into account. This post lists and explains many of the recommended best practices for Docker containers.

[CON] Digital self-defense: microphone jammers

(Only spanish version) During the pandemic there wasnt much energy to do projects and research, but JASyP 2022 has been another call to arms and getting back into the swing of things. This time, Im bringing a mic jammer.

Privacy in machine learning: a concept now more formal and tangible

(Only spanish version) Data processing involves a myriad of problems, mostly in the processing phase. In this post we will talk about the solutions offered by cryptography.

Renovating my internal network

(Only spanish version) A week ago I renewed my home network, here I tell you how to configure a mesh router, the topology I used for my internal network and a very cool service I found, NextDNS.

Certificados digitales, ¿son seguras las páginas a las que nos conectamos?

El número de certificados digitales continúa creciendo y ha obligado a las organizaciones a evaluar cómo administran el ciclo de vida de sus certificados para evitar ataques debido a un mal uso de éstos.

Building your passwordless application

(Only Spanish version) The use of passwords as an authentication mechanism does not guarantee the security of our accounts. Although there is no definitive security measure, passwordless is a step forward in improving user security and convenience. Are we at the beginning of the end of passwords?

Passwordless: The end of passwords

(Only spanish version) The use of passwords as an authentication mechanism does not guarantee the security of our accounts. Although there is no definitive security measure, passwordless is a step forward in improving user security and convenience. Are we at the beginning of the end of passwords?

Self Sovereign Identity Centralized Identity under user control

(Only spanish version) Digital services have forced us to live surrounded by credentials. Their mismanagement by users or providers represents a danger to our privacy and can be very costly to store them. We continue to delve into a new technology focused on solving this: Self Sovereign Identity.

[CON] ¡Y se ARmó la Marimorena! Cybersecurity in Augmented Reality

Two month ago Miguel and I were giving a two hours workshop/talk in Valencia about augmented reality mixed with cybersecurity and the objective of improving the physical places and documents security.

[CON] TizonaConf: Cybersecurity in industrial environments

Day by day I’m getting used to going CONS on the weekends and the ones I like the most are the ones where I can feel a friendship mood surrounding the place and where people are open to talk, hangout and share.

[CON] ¿Qué hay detrás de los mayordomos virtuales?

Last Saturday, I was invited to talk about privacy in the x1RedMásSegura congress. This event aims to teach about the dangerous part of the internet and how to prevent the risks of surfing the net.

[CON] Espías domésticos: A talk about virtual voice assistants

This weekend I went Granada to speak in JASyP (Jornadas de Anonimato, Seguridad y Privacidad) about Virtual Voice Assistants. If you are near Granada or yo are curious about security and privacy, I recommend you to contact with them.

[DIY] How to make a cryptex

I love to print locks in order to learn how they work. If I have time, I will try to post some other locks I printed, but by now, I prefer to write about my last project of this kind. During the last week I had some extra remote working days. That allowed me to start printing a cryptex.